Fully Automated, Software-controlled Measuring and Evaluation
The TK04 software performs up to 99 successive measurements unattended and automatically calculates thermal conductivity. Measuring data and results are saved directly on the PC or notebook. Repeated measurements do not only improve result reliability, significant differences in a measuring series may indicate disturbances. In this case, it is recommended to examine the data with the analysis software TkGraph, which is included with the TK04 software package.
Easy Configuration
The user-friendly measuring software comes with a complete set of default values for all measuring and evaluation parameters which are chosen to cover a wide range of different sample materials and measuring conditions. Advanced users can customize settings like heating power, number of repetitions, pauses between single measurements and start delay to meet their individual needs (e.g. lowering of the heating power when testing temperature-sensitive samples). The heating current is automatically adjusted to the chosen heating power and is kept constant within an accuracy of ± 0.01%.
Monitoring Measurements
The program status is continuously displayed on the computer screen. At the beginning of a measuring series and in between measurements the sample temperature, the current temperature drift and changes of the drift value are monitored. During measurements the registered temperature rise is plotted in real time. After finishing each single measurement, data are evaluated immediately and a results table and diagram are displayed on the screen. Mean value and deviation are updated automatically.
Saving Data and Results
Further processing
After finishing the measurements, the data can be examined for disturbing influences with the presentation and analysis program TkGraph, which enables the user to detect sample preparation problems, improper measuring parameters or instable measuring conditions. Slight disturbances can be corrected. TkGraph is part of the TK04 software package and can be installed independently from the measuring program.