Thermal conductivity tests are sensitive to many different factors like contact between probe and sample, unstable ambient temperature, sample size, heating power or water movement inside moist samples (convection).

The TK04 software detects and eliminates some of these disturbances in the data automatically and provides tools to check for sample preparation / measuring condition problems.

Checking Sample Preparation and Measuring Conditions

Thermal conductivity tests are sensitive to many different factors like contact between probe and sample, unstable ambient temperature, sample size, heating power or water movement inside moist samples (convection). The TK04 software detects and eliminates some of these disturbances in the data automatically, and it provides tools to examine measurements for problems with sample preparation or measuring conditions and to correct or exclude them. This increases accuracy significantly.

Presentation and Analysis Software TkGraph

TkGraph is part of the TK04 software package. Its purpose is documenting finished measurements and examining them for problems with sample preparation or measuring conditions. TkGraph provides tools for manually correcting or excluding disturbed measurements.