
Optional accessories are available to complete the TK04 measuring setup for particular sample types and measuring tasks.

When using a Standard or Mini HLQ the use of a lever press is recommended to ensure good contact between probe and sample by applying controlled contact pressure.

A sample container matching the diameter of the Standard HLQ probe is required for testing liquids, pastes, powder or fragments.

Guiding tubes provide fixed measuring positions for safely insert needle probes into hard samples or in the field.

Lever press

Lever press with pressure limiter

Lever press with pressure limiter
Application ensures good contact between probes for plane surfaces (Standard HLQ, Mini HLQ) and samples by applying controlled pressure
Contact pressure 0 to 10 bar/1.7 kN, stepless
Dimensions approx. 290 x 150 mm, height 420/575 mm (lever down/up)
Weight 12.9 kg
Sample size height max. 13 cm, other dimensions practically unlimited
Supplied parts lever press, screws, data sheet (delivered w/o sample and probe)

Technical specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

Additional reference materials in different sizes serve to check the operating condition of instrument and probes.

ST 1.6 for Standard VLQ

Reference material ST 1.6 for Standard VLQ

ST 1.6 for Standard VLQ
Application Checking the operating condition of instrument and probes. The user is not required to perform any calibration or reference measurements! 
Thermal conductivity * 1.6 W/mK
Dimensions ** 55 x 55 x 90 mm
Drill hole Ø 2 mm
Physical properties download datasheet
Supplied parts Reference material, TC certificate

* The specified thermal conductivities are approximate values. Each reference block is calibrated individually before delivery and is labeled with its exact thermal conductivity value.

** Dimensions may vary slightly.

Technical specifications are subject to change without prior notice.