In loose, uncompacted materials such as fragments or powders, the ratio of solid grains to air-filled pore volume is not well defined. Shaking (or simply moving) the sample container can significantly change the amount of air in the sample and with it the thermal conductivity.

For this reason, it does not make sense to measure the thermal conductivity of loose materials directly.

Thermal Conductivity of Fragments and Powder

Loose materials like fragments or powder consist of the solid material and the pore filling (air). As the thermal conductivity of air is extremely low, the thermal conductivity of loose materials depends largely on the ratio of solid material to pore volume. For loose materials, the pore volume is not well defined but may change significantly when shaking the sample. Hence direct thermal conductivity tests are impossible.

Simply send us your sample material. We prepare the samples, make the thermal conductivity tests and calculate the matrix thermal conductivity of your materials.