Thermal Conductivity Meter TK04
TK04 is a fast field and lab thermal conductivity meter with an accuracy of ± 2% and a measuring range of 0.1 to 10 W/mK, suitable for testing a wide range of sample materials at temperatures between -25 and 125°C. more
Needle probe method complies with ASTM D5334-08
The transient line-source method used by TK04 complies with ASTM D5334-08 and yields absolute thermal conductivity values without requiring any time-consuming reference or comparison measurements. more
Highly Accurate Evaluation Method
An interlaboratoty study conducted by ASTM International indicated an accuracy of between ± 10% and ± 15% for the line-source method. For TK04, an improved evaluation procedure as well as methods for checking sample preparation and measuring conditions were developed, resulting in an accuracy of ± 2%. more
Modified Needle Probe Method for Hard or Brittle Sample Materials
Hard or brittle sample materials are difficult to prepare for inserting a needle probe. Our modified line-source method uses a needle embedded in the underside of a cylinder-shaped probe body which is just placed on top of the sample surface (probe for plane surfaces). more
Fully Automated, Software-controlled Measuring and Evaluation
The provided TK04 software runs complete measuring series fully unattended, evaluates them and saves data and results directly to a PC or notebook. Reports can be printed as a diagram or list, or saved to a file. more
Checking Tools for Sample Preparation and Measuring Conditions
Thermal conductivity tests are sensitive to factors like the contact between probe and sample, sample size, heating power, convection (for moist samples) or temperature changes. The TK04 software provides tools for detecting these influences. The temperature drift of the sample is continuously monitored and automatically corrected. more